1. The name of the society shall be Upendra Nath College Students' Sahitya Sansad, Soro.
2. The aims and objectives of Sansad shall be to:
a) Organise meetings, debates, discussion and symposia.
b) Invite eminent scholars, litterateurs and critics to address the Sansad.
c) Organise literary work-shop.
d) Collect, translate, edit, publish manuscripts, books, pothis and lexicons.
3. a) All students of the +3 Classes of the college shall be ipso facto members of the Sansad.
b) Ail members of the staff shall be honorary members of the Sansad.
4. The Executive Committee of the Sansad shall consist of:
a) President (Principal, ex-officio)
b) Vice-President to be nominated by the Principal from among the Heads of the language / Literature Departments preferably in
rotation or any member having knowledge in literature may be nominated as Vice-President by the Principal.
c) Associate Vice-Presidents (Heads of the Language / Literature Departments)
d) Secretary:-Any member of the Students' Union is eligible to contest for the post of the Secretary.
e) Assistant Secretary;-Any member of the Students' Union is eligible for the post of Asst. Secretary.
f) One representative from each class of Arts, Commerce and Science counted separately.
5. Election shall be held on such dates as per the Government notification.
6. The Secretary shall be responsible for:-
a) Convening Executive meeting.
b) Organising Activities as under 2 above.
c) Maintaining accounts.
d) Maintaining records and proceedings under the direct supervision of the vice-President.
7. Office bearers who are examinees of the University shall be deemed to have vacated their office by the date they fill up the
forms for the respective examination.
8. The funds of the Sansad shall consist of-
i) Annual contribution from students.
ii) Voluntary contribution from members.
iii) Income from sales and publication.
9. The Principal shall be the administrator of the funds of the Sansad.
10. The Principal shall be the final controller of the Sansad.
Principal's Message
Sj. Gajendra Kumar Pradhan Principal I/C