03-12-2024- Tender for Magazine Printing      05-11-2024- Quotation invitation for Tourism & Hospitality Lab. Equipment      18-07-2024- Interview for the Post Guest faculty in IT for GVHSS, Soro      11-07-2024- TENDER CALL NOTICE      16-03-2022- Student Satisfaction Survey      16-10-2021- Quotation      08-10-2021- +3 SPOT VACANCY      04-08-2021- Admit Card of UG 6th Semester      03-07-2021- Online Examination procedure      29-06-2021- 5th Semester Marksheet      29-06-2021- 2nd Semester Marksheet      18-06-2021- QUOTATION      14-05-2021- 4th Semester Result      09-11-2020- +3 Spot Vacancy      22-10-2020- Webinar of Department of Physics      21-10-2020- Physics National Webinar      21-10-2020- Chemistry International Webinar      21-10-2020- Pol. Sc. National Webinar      21-10-2020- Commerce National Webinar      21-10-2020- Sanskrit National Webinar      19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of Economics, UNC, Soro on 21.10.2020      19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of Odia, UNC, Soro on 21.10.2020      19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of History, UNC, Soro on 21.10.2020      19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of Philosophy, UNC, Soro on 20.10.2020      16-09-2020- Online Readmission procedure      23-05-2020- 6th Semester Exam Date      22-01-2020- Laboratory Equipment      21-01-2020- Book List      09-05-2018- Issue of mark sheet from 11.05.2018      05-05-2018- 4th Semester Practical Exam reschedule      04-05-2018- +3 4th Semester Practical Exam Schedule      27-03-2018- Internal program      22-02-2018- Class Suspension      25-01-2018- Observation of 69th Republic Day      19-01-2018- +2 Science Practical Programme & Grouping      19-01-2018- Class suspension Notice      19-01-2018- +2 Science Practical Programme & Grouping      19-01-2018- +2 Science Practical Programme & Grouping      15-01-2018- Practical Notice +2 Commerce      15-11-2017- Purchase of Voltas AC      14-11-2017- Purchase of Science Equipment      23-02-2017- MEETING OF IQAC COMMITTEE      26-09-2015- Quotation      19-03-2014- Quotation Call Notice for Supplying Laboratory Equipment      

College Union

The name of the Students' Union shall be Upendra Nath College Students' Union, Soro.

1. Its Functions are:
(a) To organise discussions on general, cultural academic, National and International problems.
(b) To organise debates and to conduct mock parliament.
(c) To invite eminent persons to address the Union
(d) To represent the views of the members on all matters of their interest before the authorities.

2. Membership of Union:
Every bonafide student of the +3 classes of the college is a member of the Union. Any one whose name is not on the roll can not be a member of the Union.

3. The Executive Committee of Students' Union shall consist of the following:
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary
d. Assistant Secretary
e. Class Representatives
f. Women Representatives.

a) President:
A bonafide student of +3 Classes of Arts/Science/Com-merce is only eligible to contest for the office of the President of the Students' Union. The President shall preside over all ordinary meetings of the Union in which he/she is present. He/she shall be responsible for maintaining order and discipline in all the meetings. His/her ruling shall be final except when he/she requests the Advisor or Associate Advisors to give ruling and in that case the ruling of the Advisor or Associate Advisors will be final.

b) Vice-President:
Any bonafide student of +3 Classes of the college is eligible to contest for the office of the vice-President of the Union. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume all his/her rights and discharge all his/her duties.

c) Secretary:
Any bonafide student of the +3 classes of the college is eligible to contest for the office of the Secretary of the Union.
i) The Secretary shall arrange debates and give notice for all meetings whether Annual, Ordinary or Extra ordinary.
ii) He/she shall select subjects for debate in consultation with the President, Advisor and Associate Advisors.
iii) He/she shall keep records & proceedings of all meetings.
iv) He/she shall keep the accounts of the union.

d) Assistant Secretary:
Any bonafide student of +3 classes of the college is eligible to contest for the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Union. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in discharging his/her duties and in his/her absence will perform all his/her functions.

e) Class Representative:
Any member of the Students' Union of a particular class of Arts, Science and commerce is eligible to represent theStudents' Union from that class. The class representatives will be elected from their respective classes separately. The election will be held alongwith the Students' Union Election.

f) Woman Representative:
One Woman representative from among the women students of +3 Arts, Science and Commerce is to represent the Students' Union. She is to be elected by the women students only. The election shall be held alongwith the Students' Union Election by separate secret ballot.

4. The Adviser and Associate Advisers:
a) There shall be one Adviser and one or more Associate Advisers nominated by the Principal from among the members of the teaching staff.
b) The Adviser and Associate Advisers shall be present in all meetings of the Union. They will aid and advise in the conduct of the meeting.
The President may refer any rule for interpretation and the decision of the Adviser/ Associate Advisers when so referred to, shall be final.

5. The Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee of the Students' Union shall consist of the following-
a) All office bearers of Students' Union.
b) Class representatives elected from each class of +3* stream(Arts, Science and Commerce separately).
c) One woman Representative elected from among the women students of all +3 classes taken together.
d) The Adviser and Associate Advisers.
e) The Executive Committee of the Union shall prepare and discuss the budget at the Annual Meeting of the Committee and decide from time to time upon all matters concerning the activities of the Union.

6. Meetings:
a) At least two days notice shall be given for an ordinary meeting.
b) An ordinary meeting shall be presided over by the President.
c) In absence of both the President and the Vice-President, the members present in the ordinary meeting will elect a Chairman from among themselves to preside over it.
d) At the commencement of each ordinary meeting, the Secretary shall read out the minutes of the previous meeting and the minutes being approved shall be confirmed by the President.
e) An Extra-ordinary meeting of the Union may be convened-
i) At the Principal's discretion.
ii) At the request of the President.
iii) On a written requisition addressed to the Principal and signed by not less than 1/3rd members of the Union.
iv) The Principal or his nominee shall preside over any Extra- ordinary meeting.
v) No meeting of the Executive Committee will be valid unless the Adviser/Associate Advisers/Vice President of Associations or societies are present in such meeting and endorse the proceedings of the meeting.
vi) All questions on debated facts in the meeting shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present. In case of tie, the ruling of Adviser / Associate Adviser will be final.
vii) The quorum of a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be 1/3rd of the student members. If the figure ends in a fraction, the fraction shall be rounded to the next higher whole number. (For instance if an Executive Committee has 14 members, the quorum shall be 5.)

7. Functions:
a) All functions of +2 stream should ordinarily be completed within 31 st of December.
b) All functions of +3 stream should ordinarily be completed within 15th of January.
c) All functions should be celebrated preferably during daytime.

8. Guests:
Guests of the functions should be preferably Academicians, Persons of eminence in Science, Literature, Social work, Art and Culture. If the executive committee fails to select the guest for the function, in that case, the Principal's decision regarding the selection of guests will be final and binding.

9. Accounts:
a) Accounts except in case of Athletic Association and Students' Common Room will be maintained by the Secretaries under the direct supervision of the Adviser/Associate Advisers. The Adviser/Associate Advisers are authorised to receive the money from their respective funds and submit vouchers.
b) No voucher will be entertained unless it carries the endorsement of the Adviser/Associate Advisers.
c) Annual Budget has to be prepared in the first meeting of the Executive Committee and has to be submitted for the approval of the Principal.
d) No amount can be drawn by the Secretary from the Adviser/ Associate Advisers unless the heading of the expenditure finds a place in the budget or receives a prior written sanction of the Principal.
e) Normally, a second advance is sanctioned only after the accounts with supporting vouchers of the previous advance are submitted.
f) Ail outstanding advances have to be accounted for with supporting vouchers and the unspent balance, if any, be returned to the office by the last week of March.
g) A portion of the funds shall be set apart for acquiring permanent assets of the Association.
h) The Principal shall be the controller of the funds of the Students' Union and other students Associations and Societies.

10. Duration of Office:
The Office bearers who are the examinees of University shall vacate their offices after the due date of form fill up of their Annual Examination without fine.

11. Amendment of the Constitution:
a) Amendment to any provisions of the constitution may be brought by any member of the Union.
b) Such proposal shall be notified and a period of 14 days must not lapse between the notification and the day of amendment which is discussed in a meeting of the Union.
c) A motion for amendment of constitution must be passed by a 2/3rd majority of the members present.
d) The Principal shall be the final authority in all matters relating to the Union.

12. Clause No. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 of the above are applicable to all other Associations and Societies of the College.


1. The Election of Office Bearers to Students' Union and other Societies and Associations shall be conducted by secret ballot as per the guidelines to be issued by the Govt, of Odisha and in such manner as determined by the Principal.

2. Before the election or during the process of election and after the election, students are advised to see that
a) There is perfect amity among the students.
b) Normal pursuit of studies, examinations and other academic as well as extra-curricular activities are not disturbed.
c) College walls are not disfigured.
d) Dignity and good name of the students, teachers, members of the Institution are in no way told upon.

3. The nomination papers as prescribed by the Principal should be properly filled in and being duly proposed and seconded, should reach the Principal atleast before three clear days of the date of election.

4. a) An eligible student member of +3 class can contest for different offices mentioned below.
i) President of the Students' Union.
ii) Vice-President of the Students' Union.
iii) Secretary of the Students' Union.
iv) Asst. Secretary of the Students' Union.

b) No student can contest for more than one office of the Students' Union and Societies or Associations taken together.

5. In case, a student has valid nominations for more than one office, he/she shall have to withdraw candidature from all other offices, except one which he/she chooses to contest. If on the expiry of the date/time for withdrawal of candidature, it is found that a candidate has not withdrawn candidature from all other offices except one, his/her candidature to all offices shall become invalid.

6. The valid nominations after proper scrutiny by the Principal or his nominees shall be published and withdrawal, if any, may be made in writing as per notification.

7. No member can cast more than one vote for each office.

8. The candidate obtaining the largest number of votes shall be declared elected.

9. In case of a tie, the election of the successful candidates shall be determined by lot.

10. In no case will there be a recounting of votes.

11.A member can cast his/her vote in favour of a Candidate by putting a single cross (x) only on the right side of the name and the cross(x) should be strictly within the line of demarcation. Otherwise, the vote will be declared invalid.

12. Oath Taking:
a) All the office bearers will have to take oath of the office on the date specified by the Government or the date fixed up by the Principal.
b) If any office bearer fails to take oath of the office on the specified date, he/she has to take oath within (10) clear days positively, failing which the concerned post will remain under suspension for the rest of the session.

13. Govt Guidelines:
i) Under graduate students between the ages of 17 and 22 and post graduate students with the maximum age limit of 24-25 years may contest elections.
ii) The candidate should have no academic arrears in the year of contesting the election.
iii) The candidate should have attained the minimum percentage of attendance as prescribed by the University or 75% attendance whichever is higher.
iv) The candidate shall have one opportunity to contest for the post of office bearer and two opportunities to contest for the post of an executive member.
v) The candidate shall not have a previous criminal record, that is to say he should not have been tried and/or convicted of any criminal offence or misdemeanour. The candidate shall not have been subject to any disciplinary action by the University authorities.
vi) The candidate must be a regular, full time student of the College and should not be a distance/proximate education student.

14. Vacancies in Office:
The office bearers shall hold the office till the date of their form fill up for the Annual Examination without fine unless-
i) They cease to be students of this college.
ii) They voluntarily resign in writing addressed to the Principal.
iii) They are removed by a motion passed by (2/3rds) two thirds of the majority of the members present and voting expressing vote of no confidence at an extra-ordinary meeting called for the purpose. Such meeting shall be presided over by the Principal.
iv) Any office falling vacant after the Students' Union Election or during the academic session shall be filled by the Principal from among the students securing the highest marks in the last qualifying H.S.C./C.H.S.E. / University Examination.

15. The Principal shall be the final authority in all matters connected with the election to the Students' Union.