The U.N. College Library is computerized with reprographic facility and contains books arranged under different sections and Sub-sections. The students and members of the staff use the Library. The library rules are mentioned below.
1. a) The Library is kept open from 10-30am to 4pm. on all working days. b) Transaction of books with the students will be done from 11 am to 3.30 pm. on the working days allotted to each class c) Students intending to receive books should submit their requisition slip containing the name of the book and index number alongwith the library Cards between 11am. to 1.00pm. d) The books borrowed by the students from the library should be returned within a period of 15 days. When the last date of return of books falls on an authorised holiday, it may be returned to the library on the next working day. e) The borrowers of book will be penalised if the books are mishandled and torn. f) Text books are to be issued to the students. Reference Books shall be issued to the members of teaching staff. The teaching staff shall return the books within 30 days and non-teaching within 15 days from the date of issue. g) Rare books or Text books of various departments will not ordinarily be taken out of the library. Certain books may also be received by the Principal. h) In no case, one student can sign, and borrow books in the name of another student. i) For verification of Annual stock of the library, the members of the staff should have to return their books to the college library by April every year. The Librarian is responsible for excess issue of books to staff members beyond the prescribed limit. j) The students who do not return the library books within the time allowed, will have to pay a fine of 10 paise per book extra per day of delay subject to a maximum of Rs.5/ k) In case of missing of library book, the borrower has to pay ten times the value of catalogue price if the missing book is not replaced. l) Magazines and periodicals will be issued in the Reading room only according to availability between 11-30 am. and 4pm. on submission of identity card and borrower's slip, m) No book shall be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the Librarian. n) Every borrower should examine the condition of the material before it is issued to him/her. Otherwise in case of mutilation discovered afterwards, the presumption will be against the borrower. o) Any book required by the librarian for some special reason should be returned forthwith, p) A book once issued to a borrower will be re-issued to him/ her only if no other borrower wants it. Books issued to a particular person can be reissued only for two successive occasions during a particular academic session, q) Students must return the library books, periodicals before filling up their forms for the final examination or before appearing class examinations. r) The maximum number of books that may be issued to various classes of borrowers is given below.
Maximum nos. of books to be taken 1. Lecturer : 25 2. Demonstrator : 15 3. Librarian & P.E.T : 10 4. Non-teaching Class III Employees : 10 5. Class IV employees : 5 6. Honours Students : 4 7. +3 Pass Students : 3 8. +2 Students : 2 s) If anybody wants to make a complaint or give a suggestionit should be referred to the Lecturer in Charge of Library.