Upendrnath College Soro,Balasore,Odisha-756045 Email Id : principaluncollege@yahoo.com Principal : Sj. Gajendra Kumar Pradhan - (+91-9438635712)
Sj. Gajendra Kumar Pradhan Principal I/C LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY.
Principal's Desk
Student Corner
Feedback Form
Students Stisfaction Survey
Fees Structure
Academic Calender
Teaching Staff
Non Teaching Staff
18-07-2024- Interview for the Post Guest faculty in IT for GVHSS, Soro
08-10-2021- +3 SPOT VACANCY
04-08-2021- Admit Card of UG 6th Semester
03-07-2021- Online Examination procedure
29-06-2021- 5th Semester Marksheet
29-06-2021- 2nd Semester Marksheet
14-05-2021- 4th Semester Result
09-11-2020- +3 Spot Vacancy
16-09-2020- Online Readmission procedure
23-05-2020- 6th Semester Exam Date
21-01-2020- Book List
09-05-2018- Issue of mark sheet from 11.05.2018
05-05-2018- 4th Semester Practical Exam reschedule
04-05-2018- +3 4th Semester Practical Exam Schedule
27-03-2018- Internal program
22-02-2018- Class Suspension
19-01-2018- +2 Science Practical Programme & Grouping
19-01-2018- Class suspension Notice
15-01-2018- Practical Notice +2 Commerce
16-10-2021- Quotation
18-06-2021- QUOTATION
22-01-2020- Laboratory Equipment
15-11-2017- Purchase of Voltas AC
14-11-2017- Purchase of Science Equipment
26-09-2015- Quotation
19-03-2014- Quotation Call Notice for Supplying Laboratory Equipment
16-03-2022- Student Satisfaction Survey
22-10-2020- Webinar of Department of Physics
21-10-2020- Physics National Webinar
21-10-2020- Chemistry International Webinar
21-10-2020- Pol. Sc. National Webinar
21-10-2020- Commerce National Webinar
21-10-2020- Sanskrit National Webinar
19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of Economics, UNC, Soro on 21.10.2020
19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of Odia, UNC, Soro on 21.10.2020
19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of History, UNC, Soro on 21.10.2020
19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of Philosophy, UNC, Soro on 20.10.2020
25-01-2018- Observation of 69th Republic Day