03-12-2024- Tender for Magazine Printing      05-11-2024- Quotation invitation for Tourism & Hospitality Lab. Equipment      18-07-2024- Interview for the Post Guest faculty in IT for GVHSS, Soro      11-07-2024- TENDER CALL NOTICE      16-03-2022- Student Satisfaction Survey      16-10-2021- Quotation      08-10-2021- +3 SPOT VACANCY      04-08-2021- Admit Card of UG 6th Semester      03-07-2021- Online Examination procedure      29-06-2021- 5th Semester Marksheet      29-06-2021- 2nd Semester Marksheet      18-06-2021- QUOTATION      14-05-2021- 4th Semester Result      09-11-2020- +3 Spot Vacancy      22-10-2020- Webinar of Department of Physics      21-10-2020- Physics National Webinar      21-10-2020- Chemistry International Webinar      21-10-2020- Pol. Sc. National Webinar      21-10-2020- Commerce National Webinar      21-10-2020- Sanskrit National Webinar      19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of Economics, UNC, Soro on 21.10.2020      19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of Odia, UNC, Soro on 21.10.2020      19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of History, UNC, Soro on 21.10.2020      19-10-2020- Webinar organised by Department of Philosophy, UNC, Soro on 20.10.2020      16-09-2020- Online Readmission procedure      23-05-2020- 6th Semester Exam Date      22-01-2020- Laboratory Equipment      21-01-2020- Book List      09-05-2018- Issue of mark sheet from 11.05.2018      05-05-2018- 4th Semester Practical Exam reschedule      04-05-2018- +3 4th Semester Practical Exam Schedule      27-03-2018- Internal program      22-02-2018- Class Suspension      25-01-2018- Observation of 69th Republic Day      19-01-2018- +2 Science Practical Programme & Grouping      19-01-2018- Class suspension Notice      19-01-2018- +2 Science Practical Programme & Grouping      19-01-2018- +2 Science Practical Programme & Grouping      15-01-2018- Practical Notice +2 Commerce      15-11-2017- Purchase of Voltas AC      14-11-2017- Purchase of Science Equipment      23-02-2017- MEETING OF IQAC COMMITTEE      26-09-2015- Quotation      19-03-2014- Quotation Call Notice for Supplying Laboratory Equipment      

College Hostel

There are two Ladies Hostel known as Sarada Women's Hostel. The college cannot provide hostel accommodation to all the girl students in view of the limited number of seats. The Principal is the final authority in all matters relating to the Hostel.

Hostel Rules:

1) Application for admission to the Hostel duly filled in and signed by the students and their natural guardians will be made to the Principal along with their application for admission to the college.

2) Seats will be allotted by the Superintendent on admission by the Principal on merit basis only. One passport photo of each of the boarders, parents and local guardians must be submitted at the time of hostel admission.

3) Hostel admission is for one academic year only.

4) A student who is admitted to the Hostel must abide by the Hostel Rules issued by the Principal from time to time. Once admitted the fees will not be returned to the boarders.

5) No boarder shall leave the Hostel without the permission of the supdt, who will ascertain that all dues to the Hostel have been paid and no damage to the Hostel property has been done by the boarder before forwarding the application with a clearance certificate.

6) If a boarder wishes to return to the Hostel after summer vacation she must make a fresh application for readmission into the Hostel on plain paper through the Supdt. to the Principal before she leaves for home at the time of Summer Vacation.

7) The cases for readmission to the Hostel will be decided on the basis of their conduct in the college and Hostel and their performance in the College Exam.

8) No boarder shall go out of the Hostel without the permission of the Supdt. Normally they will be allowed to go out in groups of four or more.

9) When a boarder goes out of the hostel, she shall fill in the 'Going out' Register, mentioning the place she is going to and the time she leaves the hostel. When she returns, she shall also note the time of return.

10) All boarders should be in the Hostel from 6 P.M. to 6 A.M. Absence from the Hostel during these hours without the permission of the Supdt. will be treated as an act of gross misconduct and will invite necessary disciplinary action. Attendance in the hostel will be marked at about 7 P.M. daily.

11) The parents or the natural guardian of a boarder should submit a list of authorized visitors in the pre-scribed form signed by him/her with specimen signature(s) of such visitors signed in the presence of the Supdt. The number of visitors to be authorized should not exceed two. Relationship of the authorised visitors with the boarders should be specified.

12) Authorized visitors are allowed to visit their wards between 6A.M. and SP.M. only with the prior permission of the Supdt. and he/she is to sign the Visitor's book along with other necessary entries before meeting their wards. They may, however, visit the boarder in the hostel beyond the visiting hours with specific permission from the Supdt. if the business is of an emergency nature.

13) Visitors should be received in the visitors' room only. The time of meeting should not ordinarily exceed half an hour.

14) Parents of the boarders are allowed to visit their wards on any day between 6 A.M. to 5 P.M. with due permission from the Supdt.

15) The hostel gate must be locked up at 7 P.M. every-day and shall not be opened without the permission of the Supdt.

16) No boarder will be allowed to leave the hostel without a letter of authority from the parents or natural guardian.

17) No guests are allowed to stay in the Hostel.

18) No boarder will be permitted to go home during the working days. Under special circumstances she may be allowed to leave for home on production of a letter of authority from her parents or natural guardian.

19) A boarder may be permitted to travel during day time alone at her own risk on production of a written authorisation from parents addressed to the Supdt.

20) No boarder will be allowed to go home either alone or with escort between 6 P.M. and 6 A.M.

21) A boarder should record her name, class, time and date of her departure and sign before she leaves the hostel for home in a separate register maintained for the purpose & make similar entries immediately after her return to the hostel.

22) Boarders are not allowed to stay with their guardians unless otherwise specially permitted by their parents.

23) Boarders are not normally allowed to stay in the hostel during the vacations. Under special circumstances they may be permitted to stay for exam, purpose.

24) The supdt. will be responsible for the maintenance of discipline in the hostel. She has the power to take action for breach of discipline. All cases of gross misconduct must be reported to the principal.

25) The following will be considered breach of discipline:
(a) Absence from hostel without the permission of the supdt.
(b) Continuous negligence of study.
(c) Want of cleanliness and tidiness in the rooms.
(d) Spitting about the rooms and verandahs.
(e) Singing or playing on any musical instrument except during specified hours.
(f) Too loud and noisy behaviour:
(g) Writing on or in any other way disfiguring the wall, doors or windows of the building.
(h) Misconduct of any other kind.

26) A boarder may be removed from the hostel on the report of the supdt. for habitual or gross misconduct.

27) Use of heaters, extra fans, immersion rod, stove, iron, loud speakers, cell phones etc. is strictly forbidden and will invite proper action.

28) In case of damage of electric installations and water supply fittings, the boarders shall be jointly responsible.

29) No guests are allowed to stay in the hostel. Boarders are not permitted to enterain guests in the hostel.

30) Excepting the parents or authorized visitors, other persons are not allowed to enter the hostel.

31) The internal management of the hostei rests with the Supdt.

32) When not in rooms, the boarders are required to switch off the lights and fans and bolt/lock the windows, doors properly to avoid pilferage/theft. The hostel will not be responsible for the loss of boarders belonging 33) No boarders are permitted to engage any person in the hostel for service of any kind, personal or otherwise.

34) The Supdt. is required to conduct an annual check of the stock of the Hostel furniture and other articles and a report to that effect has to be submitted to the Principal prior to the commencement of the Summer vacation.

35) The boarders are to maintain silence during the study hours. Drugs, intoxicants, tobacco, gambling are strictly forbidden. Joining or taking part in any meeting or association outside the college without the permission of the Principal goes against the hostel rules.

36) Absence or leave requires the prior sanction of the Supdt. Her over stay will be accepted if she brings a satisfactory written explanation from her parents/ natural guardians. If no satisfactory explanation is produced necessary action may be taken by the Supdt. or Principal.

37) In case of infectious or contagious disease, a boarder has to take leave from the Hostel to stay at her home till recovery.

38) Boarders are not permitted to take any direct action against any hostel or mess workers. All com-plaints should be brought to the notice of the supdt.

39) The following Registers in the Hostel are to be maintained
(a) An Admission Register.
(b) An Attendance Register.
(c) A visitors' Book.
(d) A Movement Register.
(e) Long Roll Register.
(f) Stock Register.
(g) Conduct Register.
(h) "Going out" Register.

40) The Hostel Mess is controlled by the supdt, and managed by the Mess Committee consisting of the Mess Secretary and representatives from various classes from among the boarders. They will check the accounts of the mess from time to time. At the end of the month the Secretary will convene a meeting of the Mess Committee to examine and pass the vouchers of the month.She can convene a meeting of the committee at any other time to discuss a paricular issue. All decisions by the Mess Committee are subject to the approval of the Supdt.

41) The Mess Committee is responsible for the quality of food prepared in the Mess and they are to guide the Mess Manager in connection with the quality of ration to be supplied.

42) The Mess provides only two meals. All boarders will get one type of food. No special arrangement is made for any individual boarder. However, sick diet can be provided for a day if a request is made to the hostel supdt. in advance. If sick diet is to be continued, permission from the supdt. is necessary.

43) If a boarder does not want to have her meal, she must inform the manager at least 12 hours before the meal time.

44) In case of illness, a boarder must inform the supdt./Matron.

45) Boarders will have to bear all expenses in connection with their medical treatment. However, the Hostel will provide First aid as and when required.

46) Monthly mess charges may be changed during the session depending on the market price of the time.

47) Boarders sent up for Council and University Exam have to pay hostel dues up to the end of the session before they fill up their forms failing which they will not be allowed to fill up forms.

48) The session from June to May is divided into two terms 1st Term : 1st June to 30th November; 2nd Term: 1 st December to 31st May. A student getting admitted into the Hostel in any term will have to pay establishment charges from 1 st June to 31st May

49) A boarder is required to pay her full advance for the month by the 7th and also adjust her accounts for the previous month. If owing to some unavoidable reasons she fails to pay the entire amount on that date she must clear ail dues by the 15th of the month, failing which her meals will be stopped from 16th till she pays her dues.

50) In case of married boarders, no relaxation of the above rules will be permitted.

51) Ragging in any form is strictly forbidden-Involvement in it in any manner shall lead to strict disciplinary action like immediate expulsion from the hostel and/or any other action as deemed fit.

Hostel Fees:

Purpose Rupees
Admission Fees/Re-admission Fees Rs: 50.00
Seat charge 150/m for 6 months (To be collected in June and December) Rs: 900.00
Establishment Charge @50.00/M for six months. (To be collected in June  and December) Rs: 300.00
Mess Caution Money (one month adv.) Rs: 550.00
Hostel Caution Money (non-refund) Rs: 20.00
Electricity Charge (yearly) Rs: 430.00
Common Room (yearly) Rs: 40.00
Utensils (yearly) Rs: 20.00
Furniture Maintenance (yearly) Rs: 10.00
Hostel Function and Puja (yearly) Rs: 100.00
Medicine Fee (yearly) Rs: 10.00